Angel Athina, our Precious Little Angel

Time flies so very fast. It was only 30 months ago when Athina was born. I was in a life-and-death situation as I struggled to have a normal delivery because I know surgical delivery is very expensive. Unfortunately, I delivered her through a Cesarean operation. 

Athina was only 6.1 pounds and she's not even tall. But I wasn't able to deliver her normally. I was on labor for I think 8 hours but I can no longer tolerate the pain so, I begged to my doctor to proceed a Cesarean operation because I felt like i'm gonna die already. She was born few minutes before lunchtime. Tears flowed over my cheeks as I heard her cry for the very first time. The only word I could say was "baby". It was unbelievable.

After cleansing her whole body right after she was removed from my tummy, the nurse showed her to me while I was still lying in bed numbly. I was only able to slightly kiss her cheek because I can't move due to the general anesthesia. It made my whole body tremble. It was more than 24 hours after delivery when I saw her again, held her tightly for the very first time, kissed her, and tried to breastfeed her for the very first time as well.

Athina grew up as a smart baby. I'm really proud to say that. At least other people noticed it aside from me and my family. I think at the age of 20 months, she can already count from 1 to 10, and she already knew a lot of animals as well as their corresponding sounds. At the age of 22 months she can already sing with high pitch even if out of tune and she even has her own lyrics. So funny to hear her sing.

People are always surprise knowing that she's only 2 years but she can communicate already. I can even ask her to turn on or turn off the air conditioner in our bedroom, or ask her to get something near her, or ask her to keep her messy toys in the box. She can somehow understand the story she's watching such as when someone's crying or hurt, or if it is a horror movie.

Now, she's already 30 months and she can communicate well. I've taught her how to speak a little English on our daily conversation and she can perfectly understand. We've spent 3 months in Manila but she had learned quite a number of Tagalog words that sound funny and cute. I'm very proud to say that she's gonna be a beautiful girl when she grows up. I firmly believe she has many talents that would make us, her parents even more proud.


  1. so her favorite song is Let it Go, sung by Elsa from the movie, Frozen.


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